• Furnishing textiles

    Utforska textilierna

    Ta en titt i Norrgavels breda sortiment av möbeltextilier och klädslar. Vare sig du fastnar för vegetabiliskt garvat nötskinn från Tärnsjö garveri, exklusivt linne från Frankrike eller en tålig och värmande ullklädsel från Norge, så kan du vara helt trygg med att varenda produkt är noggrant utvald med högsta kvalitet och hållbarhet i fokus.

    Artificial/synthetic fibres


    Have a look at Norrgavel’s wide range of furniture textiles and upholstery. Whether you’ve fallen in love with vegetable tanned cowhide from the Tärnsjö tannery, exclusive French linen or hardwearing, warming wool from Norway, you can rest assured that every product has been carefully selected with the highest quality and sustainability in mind. We always try to find the best and most eco-friendly alternatives when looking for textiles for our furniture. We use pure materials that smell natural and feel comfortable against the skin – guaranteed free from harmful chemicals. These are natural materials that really enjoy being used and only look more beautiful and become more comfortable over the years. It is important that our textiles last a long time. For this reason, we sometimes allow artificial fibres to be blended in to increase the durability of the fabric and thus its lifetime.

    Choose your favourite furnishing fabric and create your dream piece of furniture with your own unique look. Your choice of furniture textile or upholstery will give your new Norrgavel furniture a clear personality all its own. You will find a wide range of furniture textiles to choose from here, in different colours, materials, patterns and styles. Made for lasting enjoyment with timeless design, an environmental approach and the ultimate in comfort.

    Naturally we comply with REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals), the EU’s chemicals legislation.

    Fabrics samples

    Most of our furnishing fabrics can be ordered as fabric samples. These make it easy to compare and match shades with the rest of your decor, check the texture and feel and ponder your choice in your own time. This makes for a much more well-founded, thoughtful decision. Sustainable & beautiful!


    Hur kan jag skydda min möbel från att bli blekt?

    Vad rekommenderar ni för att fräscha upp textilierna på min möbel?

    Hur ska jag dammsuga min möbeltextil för att undvika skador?

    Vad är det bästa sättet att ta bort fläckar från min möbel utan att skada tyget?

    Varför måste jag ibland rätta till textilfodralen på möbler med lösa plymåer?

    Hur tvättar jag avtagbara möbeltyger utan att skada eller krympa dem?