Interior design philosophy
Wooden sofa – the history
The Wooden Sofa has been part of the Norrgavel range since the company’s founding in 1993. Many perceive the Wooden Sofa as a traditional piece of furniture with its Gustavian style influences. But above all, it is an innovative and progressive piece of furniture – something that remains true today, even though it is over 30 years old. And it is precisely this innovative quality that the designer Nirvan Richter wants to highlight now that the Wooden Sofa is finally being relaunched after several
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Beauty from within
Naturmaterial, innovativa lösningar och hantverkskunnande gör hela skillnaden. Soffor från Norrgavel är långsiktigt utformade och genomtänkta in i minsta detalj – gjorda för att hålla i generationer. Soffor som är minst lika vackra på insidan som på utsidan.
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Production in natural harmony
Since its inception in 1993, Norrgavel has consistently chosen to manufacture furniture from pure natural materials created through photosynthesis. This is the cycle where plants and living organisms harness energy from sunlight. A conscious decision that naturally influences our production. Massive wood and open surface treatments are typically associated with Norrgavel – timelessly designed furniture of oak, birch, or beech treated with oil, pigmented oil, soap, and egg oil tempera.
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Pure color joy – about Norrgavel and egg tempera.
Egg tempera is a color with a long history. Already in ancient Egypt, tempera was used, and in the 15th century, great artists like Botticelli painted with this color. If you scrape on a really old church bench, the innermost layers of paint are likely to be egg tempera. With increased awareness of what surrounds us in our homes, many have recently become interested in this fragrant color. But when Norrgavel started painting their furniture with egg tempera in the early 9
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Carpentry details that complete the whole
The details make the whole. And it's the details that make the difference between good and excellent. Norrgavel's furniture is crafted with classic craftsmanship techniques, using pure natural materials. The passion for sustainable craftsmanship is a constantly present driving force - our carpenters turn, chamfer, cut, chisel, dovetail, groove, and refine every carpentry detail to perfection. All to create perfected masterpieces that endure for generations.
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Pin sofa - the Pin family has expanded
The Pin sofa must be part of a family, a context. Therefore, it was not possible to start working on the sofa even though the idea or thought of it has been with the designer Nirvan Richter since the 90s.
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Egg tempera - the scent of Norrgavel
Egg tempera is a paint strongly associated with Norrgavel, and it's no coincidence that it has become so. Tempera is the most naturally pure paint we could find. It's beautiful and so pleasant to live with; it lays like a thin matte veil over the wood surface and changes appearance with the light of the day - it ages with dignity.
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Pin Armchair - a long-awaited new addition
Norrgavel's classic Pin chair has been in the assortment since 2010. Already then, there was the idea of complementing it with an armchair, the question was just how. The journey from idea to reality was long - but now it's finally here!
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Pure Content & Vital Insights
Norrgavel's founder and designer Nirvan Richter has dedicated considerable time since his student days to pondering what makes us feel good and how we can integrate circular thinking into interior design. Meet Nirvan Richter as he talks about pure content and the importance of highlighting photosynthesis in interior design.
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Norrgavel 25 years
25 years ago, we thought differently. Now we think the same way! Norrgavel creates furniture and interior details designed to last for generations. Made of pure natural materials, of high quality, and with timeless design, they only become more beautiful with years.
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Armchair China Windsor - finding the shape to the feeling
Norrgavels furniture is made to last over time. This also means that the design process itself can take time. And sometimes it can actually take 14 years from idea to finished piece of furniture. The seed for the China-Windsor armchair appeared in designer Nirvan Richter's sketchbooks back in 2008. But the challenge was to transform a longing and a physical sensation into a finished piece of furniture. How do you actually do that? The short answer is: countless sketches, prototypes, re-takes, ti
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Norrgavels Wooden armchair – the history
In the early 90s, Norrgavel's founder, Nirvan Richter, began sketching what would eventually become the Armchair – one of our most beloved pieces of furniture. A majestic yet ascetically simple armchair, which has relatively quickly become a modern furniture classic.
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The history behind the Bag Shelf
The Bag Shelf is the very first piece of furniture made by Norrgavel's founder, Nirvan Richter, that is still in the collection. It was designed as early as 1986 (Norrgavel was founded in 1993). At that time, the Richter family lived in one of Sven Wallander's fantastic HSB apartments in the Röda bergen area of Stockholm. Right next to the family's front door was a 40 cm wide wall space that needed to be utilized to the fullest.
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The story behind Norrgavel's Easy Chair
The Easy Chair was launched in 2016 but has already become a modern design classic – one of Norrgavel's most beloved pieces of furniture. A timeless armchair with a minimalist expression, where craftsmanship and seating comfort are pure perfection. The work to realize the Easy Chair took several years of sketches, prototypes, and refinements. To find inspiration for the Easy Chair, Norrgavel's founder and designer, Nirvan Richter, turned his gaze towards Japan.
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From sketch to customer
Quality has many dimensions. Norrgavel's founder Nirvan Richter, then an architect, longed for the qualities he experienced in the furniture from his father's homeland in Dalarna in the early 1980s.
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The existential and the joy of a stripped-down lifestyle
Norrgavel founder and designer Nirvan Richter spends a considerable amount of time stripping away non-essentials - both in design and when immersed in daily meditation. Two separate things that are actually much closer together than you might think.
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25 years of sustainability
With a clear set of values, Norrgavel was a pioneer in sustainable interior design. This year (2018), they have celebrated 25 years by moving into e-commerce and expanding with a new physical store. But the driving force for the founder, designer Nirvan Richter, goes deeper than selling beautiful quality furniture.
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The History of the Pinn Chair
One summer day in 1939, Carl Malmsten visited Finström's old church on Åland with a group of students. In the sacristy, they saw a series of different spindle chairs. The event is described by Gunilla Kindstrand in "Furniture People" (2009); one of the students is tasked with measuring and sketching one of the chairs and adapting it for mass production. The result is highly successful, and the master, Malmsten, is almost satisfied. He makes some minor adjustments to the student's sketch and then
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A signed armchair by the Dalai Lama
The spiritual leader of Tibet, Dalai Lama, gave a lecture at Malmö University on September 13 in connection with the humanitarian organization Individuell Människohjälp, IM, celebrating its 80th anniversary. Throughout the lecture, Dalai Lama sat in an armchair from Norrgavel, and he also signed the chair.
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